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  • Angel reader
  • Claircognisant
  • Lightworker
  • Photo reading
Embracing my role as a paranormal medium means diving deep into the mysterious realms of energies, feelings, and emotions that flow from the supernatural! This universal connection is not just my job - it’s my passion and my calling! I channel this extraordinary gift in the service of my clients, offering them a profound understanding of existence that goes far beyond the ordinary. How may I assist you? I often begin my sessions by exploring your dreams, as dreams compel us to confront the unconscious mind - an aspect we often overlook in our fast-paced lives. Dreams are treasure troves of priceless information, waiting to be unlocked. Invite me into your dream world, and together, we will guide you toward a life filled with tranquility, growth, and spiritual prosperity!
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Customer reviews

Reece Reece
10 Average rating

Reece is excellent.Hes very accurate and easy to talk to and understand!!

Reece Reece
10 Average rating

I liked the angel reading.

Reece Reece
10 Average rating

The consultation was exactly what I needed . Reece is obviously great and amazing with his natural gifts, but he cares , wants to help you on to the right path , and to find happiness and abundance and to -truly be content and at peace . I’ve got a long road ahead . But I know after our consult I left with a warm heart and comfort and above all hope that I desperately needed . Unfortunately I didn’t have sufficient funds to try to channel my mother who has passed but as soon as I am able , I will be doing just that and have complete and utter trust that Reece will make it all happen . I also feel like with any of life’s troubles I can come to Reece to ge the help I need .